ALL THREE SERIES of Survivors have been released in two different DVD formats in Italy. In 1975 and 1976 Survivors received an extremely strong popular and critical reception in Italy, and the show continues to enjoy a strong cult reputation in the country. A full Italian DVD release of the series has therefore been long anticipated.
When first shown in Italy, cuts were made to Survivors. These new fully-complete versions have been re-dubbed into Italian (as the show was when originally transmitted on Italian TV - in edited form), but both releases also include the original English soundtrack. In 2009-2010 Survivors was released both as a part-work, available in newsagents, and as a three separate box-sets.
Italian Survivors DVD part-work
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Cross, R. (2021). 'Survivors Italian DVD releases,' [online] Survivors: A World Away, 31 January. Available at: Accessed on: 25 January 2025.
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