Lucy Fleming discusses Bond books on AudioGO blog

Lucy Fleming is interviewed on the AudioGO blog (26 September 2013) discussing the new James Bond audiobook series.

Asked what her uncle, 007 creator Ian Fleming, might have made of the resilient popularity and longevity of his creation, Fleming suggests: “I imagine he would be very amused with the continuing success of the books and the films – and very proud.”

Big Finish confirms audio adventures’ new cast and hints at returning cast announcement

Big Finish has Tweeted confirmation of the Survivors‘ audio adventures first series new cast; and revealed one additional name joining the production: that of Chase Masterston (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine).

These cast details have also been added to the series one entry on the Survivors pre-order page of the Big Finish site.

Big Finish have also announced that details of the ‘returning stars from the classic Survivors‘ will be announced in November 2013.