TODAY’S BIG FINISH podcast (19 May 2019) includes the first short clip from the nine and final series of original Survivors audios released next month by Big Finish.
Presenters Benji Clifford and Nick Briggs incorporate the brief extract in the round-up of upcoming releases (eighteen minutes into the podcast). The clip, which mixes the contents of two separate scenes, features the voices of characters Abby, Jenny, Ruth, Craig and Robert.
Introducing the extract, Briggs acknowledges that he has to fully complete the musical soundtrack he is scoring for the four episodes, although he insists that he is “not behind schedule” with the work.
Big Finish have yet to make an public announcement as to how the company might continue to produce Survivors material once series nine has been released. In the podcast, Briggs mentions in passing that “although it’s the end of the full-cast [Survivors] dramas for the moment, for the foreseeable future” that “there will be continuing audio books”.
If this is subsequently confirmed by an official statement it would mean that Big Finish are committing to releasing single-voice audio stories based in the Survivors world and narrated by actors from the series.

The ninth and final series of Big Finish’s full-cast Survivors audios is released in June 2019 and is available to pre-order in both download and CD formats, direct from the Big Finish web site.