THE LATEST EPISODE of the TV Club strand of the Strangers in Space podcast (13 October) spends an hour reappraising the impact of Survivors.
Host J R Southall is joined by Jon Arnold, Jim Cameron and Dylan Rees, and reflects on the impact of the series at the time of its original transmission and the legacy of the series nearly five decades on.
Almost fifty years ago a nation huddled around its television sets imagining the oncoming apocalypse and wondering when it might be best to plant corn crops in the devastation that followed; our thoughts on Terry Nation and Terence Dudley’s Survivors
It’s nearly half a century since Terry Nation’s story about the aftermath of a genocidal virus, so how’s it looking in 2023?
Strangers in Space
This episode presented by:
J.R. Southall
Jon Arnold
Jim Cameron
Dylan Rees
Strangers in Space. 2023. Survivors. 13 October. https://strangersinspace.libsyn.com/tv-club-60-survivors-1975-77
In addition to the audio version, the version available on YouTube provides Zoom-style visuals of the foursome’s discussions.