REVIEWS OF ALL three episodes in the Big Finish Survivors audio box set New Dawn 3 have today been published on the Survivors: A World Away site.
Individual reviews of each story in the set, starring Carolyn Seymour and Lucy Fleming are available: The Turning (Part One), The Turning (Part Two) and Samaritans. The review of the first episode concludes:
Big Finish’s Survivors stories have always distinguished themselves by their ability to surprise and to shock… Together with the decline and fall of the New Federal Government, Tate’s fate is a salutory reminder that there are no guarantees that the next generation of survivors will face a brighter future – even as the horrors of the pandemic fade into memory
Survivors: A World Away
Survivors: New Dawn 3 is available to buy on CD now and as a digital download from the Big Finish site.
Survivors: New Dawn 4, which will be released in September, is still available for pre-order as a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only.