THE ‘GOOD REVIEW Guide’ in today’s (26 February 2023) Big Finish podcast turned its attention to the Survivors: New Dawn 2 boxset.
The ‘Lost Wild Ice’ edition of the podcast featured audio extracts and reviews of Survivors: New Dawn 2 from We Made This Network, Indie Mac User, the Survivors: Mad Dog site, Warped Factor and SciFi Bulletin.
Hosts Nick Briggs and Benji Clifford also confirmed that they are both continuing to work on the next instalment in the series.
Survivors: New Dawn 3 will be released in April 2023 and is still available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Big Finish Podcast, ‘Lost Wild Ice’, Big Finish, 26 February 2023, https://www.bigfinish.com/podcasts/v/2023-02-26-lost-wild-ice