Vortex magazine previews New Dawn 4 audio release

Preview of Survivors - New Dawn 4 - Vortex #174

THE NEW EDITION of Big Finish’s Vortex magazine includes a preview of the upcoming Survivors audio boxset New Dawn 4.

The feature includes interview snippets with writer-director Ken Bentley, writer Matt Fitton, and series’ producer Emma Haigh.

It also reveals some new information about the characters who will appear in New Dawn 4 and some of the settings and scenarios that the three stories in the boxset will explore – so the article comes with a ‘mild spoilers’ advisory, for those who prefer to listen to the series with no advance knowledge.

The concluding boxset in the New Dawn series, Survivors: New Dawn 4, will be released next month (September 2023), and remains available for pre-order.

Vortex #174 is free to download from the Big Finish site.

Big Finish. 2023. ‘Dawn of An Era’. Vortex, Issue 174, August. pp. 14-16.

Vortex #174, Dawn of a New Era article image.

Discounts on Big Finish Survivors audios in ‘Terry Nation sale’

Survivors series one boxsets - ready for sale!

AS PART OF a ‘celebration’ of Terry Nation-inspired audio content in its catalogue, Big Finish are offering discounts on both single releases and bundles from its Survivors audio drama range.

Discounts are available on titles from the original and the New Dawn series, in a variety of download-only and CD combinations.

The full range of Survivors audio offers is available to browse on the Big Finish site.

These offers expire at 23:59 (UK time) on 06 August 2023. 

Terry Nation Celebration - Big Finish

Reviews of Survivors: New Dawn 3 published

REVIEWS OF ALL three episodes in the Big Finish Survivors audio box set New Dawn 3 have today been published on the Survivors: A World Away site.

Individual reviews of each story in the set, starring Carolyn Seymour and Lucy Fleming are available: The Turning (Part One), The Turning (Part Two) and Samaritans. The review of the first episode concludes:

Big Finish’s Survivors stories have always distinguished themselves by their ability to surprise and to shock… Together with the decline and fall of the New Federal Government, Tate’s fate is a salutory reminder that there are no guarantees that the next generation of survivors will face a brighter future – even as the horrors of the pandemic fade into memory

Survivors: A World Away

Survivors: New Dawn 3 is available to buy on CD now and as a digital download from the Big Finish site.

Survivors: New Dawn 4, which will be released in September, is still available for pre-order as a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only.

Big Finish release Survivors: New Dawn 3 audio boxset

BIG FINISH HAVE today (27 April 2023) released the new Survivors audio boxset Survivors: New Dawn 3.

The boxset can be purchased as a CD boxset, as a digital download, or as a CD and download combo, from the Big Finish site.

This third instalment in the New Dawn series follows the continuing struggles of Abby Grant (Carolyn Seymour) and Jenny Richard (Lucy Fleming) fifteen years and more on from The Death.

A fresh type of social and political order has emerged in Britain, but many of those living under the rule of the New Federal Government view it as tyrannical. The authorities’ grip on the country at large is tenous, and protests are growing. Neither Jenny nor Abby can be confident that they, the new administration or its opponents, will survive the reckoning that’s coming.

Food shortages threaten the stability of the New Federal Government. Prime Minister Celia Tate clings to power and Robin Page – once a thorn in her side and now a minister – becomes involved in an uprising to depose her.

Once again, the world is changing and the best Abby and Jenny can hope for is to survive.

Big Finish

Reviews of each of the three episodes in the boxset will be published on this site shortly.

The concluding boxset in the New Dawn series, Survivors: New Dawn 4, will be released this September, and is available for pre-order.

Read the Big Finish press release marking today’s release of Survivors: New Dawn 3.

To coincide with this latest release, Big Finish have also announced temporary price reductions on previous releases in the Survivors audio series. These offers are available until 23:59 (UK time) on 30 April 2023.

Survivors - audio drama - Big Finish sale - April 2023

Big Finish podcast previews Survivors: New Dawn 3

AHEAD OF ITS release on Thursday 27 April, today’s Big Finish podcast (23 April) previews the new Survivors audio boxset Survivors: New Dawn 3.

The podcast includes a sneak-preview of the release’s behind-the-scenes interviews and a fifteen-minute ‘drama-tease’ of the first episode ‘The Turning Part One’ written by boxset director Ken Bentley.

Big Finish. 2023. Podcast – Survivors New Dawn 3, 23 April. https://www.bigfinish.com/podcasts/v/2023-04-23-survivors-new-dawn-3

Survivors: New Dawn 3 is still available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Survivors: New Dawn 3 audio – trailer and cover released

Survivors - New Dawn 3 audio drama boxset cover

THE COVER ART for the upcoming Survivors: New Dawn 3 audio boxset has just been released by Big Finish, along with the striking cover art.

Survivors: New Dawn 3 will be released later this month and is still available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Survivors audios in Big Finish’s Spring Clearance Sale

Big Finish - Spring Clearance Sale - March 2023 - Survivors boxsets

DISCOUNTS OF UP to two-thirds are available on boxsets in Big Finish’s Survivors audio range until 23:59 (UK time) today (31 March 2023) as part of the company’s Spring Clearance Sale.

Series two, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, and the audiobook of Terry Nation’s Survivors novelisation, are included in the offer – which combines the CD boxset with a digital download.

The CD boxsets of series one and three are now out-of-print, but still available as digital downloads.

Details of the offers are all available on the Big Finish website’s Warehouse Offers page.

Big Finish confirm full cast details for New Dawn 3 audio

BIG FINISH HAVE confirmed the full cast details for the upcoming Survivors: New Dawn 3 audio boxset, due for release next month.

The cast for the three episodes in the set is as follows:

  • Carolyn Seymour (Abby Grant)
  • Lucy Fleming (Jenny Richards)
  • Tom Alexander (Former-Ranger / Cleric)
  • Daisy Badger (Debra Adams)
  • Sean Connolly (Mike Ferguson / Groom)
  • Mark Elstob (Andrew / Terry Matthews)
  • Jonathan Keeble (Mark Osborne)
  • Belinda Lang (Celia Tate)
  • Hannah Raymond-Cox (Boo / Judy Lawson)
  • Enzo Squillino Jnr (Phil Harris)
  • Sam Stafford (Robin Page)

Survivors: New Dawn 3 will be released in April 2023 and is still available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Survivors New Dawn 2 features in Big Finish podcast reviews round-up

Survivors: New Dawn 2

THE ‘GOOD REVIEW Guide’ in today’s (26 February 2023) Big Finish podcast turned its attention to the Survivors: New Dawn 2 boxset.

The ‘Lost Wild Ice’ edition of the podcast featured audio extracts and reviews of Survivors: New Dawn 2 from We Made This Network, Indie Mac User, the Survivors: Mad Dog site, Warped Factor and SciFi Bulletin.

Hosts Nick Briggs and Benji Clifford also confirmed that they are both continuing to work on the next instalment in the series.

Survivors: New Dawn 3 will be released in April 2023 and is still available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Big Finish podcast - 26 February 2023

Big Finish Podcast, ‘Lost Wild Ice’, Big Finish, 26 February 2023, https://www.bigfinish.com/podcasts/v/2023-02-26-lost-wild-ice

Vortex magazine previews Survivors New Dawn 3 audio boxset

Big Finish - Vortex - Survivors: New Dawn 3 preview

THE UPCOMING RELEASE of New Dawn 3, the latest Survivors full-cast audio boxset, is previewed in January’s edition of Big Finish’s house magazine Vortex.

In the feature ‘Keep on Surviving’, writer and director Ken Bentley reflects on his experience of working on Big Finish’s Survivors audios since the first series back in 2014, and hints at the decisive drama to come in the next two installments of the New Dawn series.

I’ve been deeply involved in this series for so long now that I feel a genuine responsibility to the characters and their journey. It’s been a privilege to write for them again.

I’m really grateful to David for inviting me to write for Survivors in the first place, and to Emma for giving Matt and I the opportunity to return to this story world as we begin Abby and Jenny’s final journey. It won’t be easy listening, but then Survivors never has been.

Ken Bentley in ‘Keep on Surviving’, Vortex, Issue 167

Survivors: New Dawn 3 will be released in April 2023 and is available to pre-order, as both a collector’s edition three-disc CD and digital download combo or as a digital download only, from the Big Finish site.

Vortex 167 can be downloaded as a free PDF from the Big Finish site.

Big Finish. 2023. ‘Keep on Surviving’, Vortex, No 167, January, pp. 20-21.